World Temperatures & Rainfall Extremes METRIC | IMPERIAL
PLEASE READ - This Weather data is from ogimet.com It uses freely available data from the net, mainly from NOAA. Many stations call in their weather data daily. Not all stations are represented. Some extremes can be in error, usually blatantly and obviously so (ie. Samoa). If you have any questions about this data please contact ogimet.com.

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Maximum Temperature Last 24h
07/27/2024 at 07:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Omidieh (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40833 48.4°C
2 Ahwaz (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40811 48.1°C
3 Basrah-Hussen (Iraq) 40689 48°C
4 Fahud (Oman) 41262 47.8°C
5 Amarah (Iraq) 40680 47.7°C
6 Qarn Alam (Oman) 41275 47.7°C
7 Tabas (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40791 47.7°C
8 Ejido Nuevo Leon Bc. (Mexico) 76032 47.6°C
9 Ejido Nuevo Leon Bc. (Mexico) 76040 47.6°C
10 Kuwait Internationalairport (Kuwait) 40582 47.3°C
11 Al Ahsa (Saudi Arabia) 40420 47.2°C
12 Basrah Int. Airport (Iraq) 40690 47.2°C
13 Nasiriya (Iraq) 40676 47.2°C
14 Fao (Iraq) 40691 47.1°C
15 Iranshahr (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40879 47°C
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

Minimum Temperature Last 24h
07/27/2024 at 07:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Vostok (Antarctica) 89606 -67.6°C
2 Concordia (Antarctica) 89625 -62.8°C
3 Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station (Antarctica) 89009 -62.6°C
4 Dome A (Antarctica) 89577 -62.5°C
5 Priestley Glacier (Antarctica) 89659 -46.2°C
6 McMurdo (Antarctica) 89664 -37.4°C
7 Sky-Blu (Antarctica) 89272 -33.9°C
8 Limbert Aws (Antarctica) 89257 -32.5°C
9 Cape Ross (Antarctica) 89666 -30.4°C
10 University Wi Id 8906 (Antarctica) 89866 -29.6°C
11 Larsen Ice Shelf (Antarctica) 89262 -28.8°C
12 Fossil Bluff (Antarctica) 89065 -28.6°C
13 Jang Bogo (Antarctica) 89859 -27.3°C
14 Cape Phillips (Antarctica) 89661 -25.1°C
15 Base Marambio Centro Met. Antartico (Antarctica) 89055 -24°C
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

Maximum Precipitation Last 24h
07/27/2024 at 07:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Kuwait Internationalairport (Kuwait) 40582 42.3 mm
2 Khasab Airport (Oman) 41241 41.8 mm
3 Al Amerat (Oman) 41280 41.4 mm
4 Amarah (Iraq) 40680 41.2 mm
5 Khassab (Oman) 41240 41.2 mm
6 Fahud (Oman) 41262 40.9 mm
7 Nasiriya (Iraq) 40676 40.8 mm
8 Ahwaz (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40811 40.7 mm
9 Iranshahr (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40879 40.6 mm
10 Basrah-Hussen (Iraq) 40689 40.5 mm
11 Tabas (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40791 40.4 mm
12 Khor (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40789 40.4 mm
13 Ali-Algharbi (Iraq) 40666 40.3 mm
14 Al Ahsa (Saudi Arabia) 40420 40.2 mm
15 Masjed-Soleyman (Iran, Islamic Republic of) 40812 40.1 mm
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

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